Our weekly shabbat services begin promptly at 10:30 AM, so plan on arriving 15 minutes before we start. That way, the Rabbi and Elders have an opportunity to welcome you personally.

Normally people dress business casual.  All men are encouraged to wear a kippah/yarmulke.  A tallit (prayer shawl) is available to Jewish men who visit with us.

When you come through our doors, expect to be greeted by someone with a smile and a Shabbat Shalom.

Our typical service ends at 12:15, followed by Kiddish (blessing over bread and wine, fellowship, coffee and pastries). Once a month we also host an Oneg at our main location at 4449 NW 2nd Av., Boca.

Our service typically begins with a blend of traditional Jewish liturgy and contemporary music.  We then have a Torah service which includes: