Who We Are.
A congregation of Jewish followers of Yeshua the Messiah and believing Gentiles who worship together.
God in His sovereignty has established us and enabled us to bring His life, influence, peace, and love to the Jewish community in Boca Raton and its surroundings.
When we Meet.
Saturday 10:30 am
Church of All Nations (Faith Chapel)
1300 NW 4th Ave,
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Meet the Rabbi and Wife.
I was born and raised in New York City, I was raised very traditionally and attended an Orthodox shul growing up, I nevertheless turned from Judaism after my bar mitzvah and spent the next nearly 20 years making many mistakes and wrong choices in my life.
I married my best friend Gloria in 1982, and we have traveled on this journey together for the past 40 years. Then in 1984, after two years of searching and studying the Bible,
I married my best friend Gloria in 1982, and we have traveled on this journey together for the past 40 years. Then in 1984, after two years of searching and studying the Bible,
I became convinced that
Y E S H U A (Jesus)
was the promised M E S S I A H
of Israel and the Nations.
32 years ago, God called us to move to Florida to plant
Messianic Synagogue
where we have served with joy ever since.
We have 5 wonderful grown kids and 9 incredible grandkids. We count it a privilege to serve a community of followers of Yeshua who are serious about worshipping God, serving one another, and passing on a Godly heritage to the next generation.
What To Expect.
s e r v i c e
Normally people dress business casual.
All men are encouraged to wear a kippah/yarmulke. A tallit (prayer shawl) is available to Jewish men who visit us.
Our service typically begins with a blend of traditional Jewish liturgy and contemporary music, followed by Torah Service and a message from our Rabbi.
The Torah service includes:
All men are encouraged to wear a kippah/yarmulke. A tallit (prayer shawl) is available to Jewish men who visit us.
Our service typically begins with a blend of traditional Jewish liturgy and contemporary music, followed by Torah Service and a message from our Rabbi.
The Torah service includes:
- Torah procession
- Kids' Torah Talk
- Torah reading in Hebrew and English
- The Haftarah and the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant) related to the weekly Torah portion.
s c h o o l
Children ages 4-11 are encouraged to join a class at the end of the Torah service and before the Rabbi’s message. The message is typically 35 mins and children will rejoin the service for the final Aaronic blessing.

We invite you to come to visit on a
Shabbat morning and enjoy a special time with our Shalom Boca family.
What we do.

Shabbat dinners

High Holidays




Simchat Torah